If you have a smartphone, you no longer need to pay for data AND voice minutes. This video will show you how to make calls for free using Google Voice.
Instructions for iPhone:
Proxy Instructions:
This is a great tutorial,it could be useful from time to time to do this,and people would certainly like to know how…good job 🙂
I got a problem wid sipgate
I am interested on how you set this up with voxox. Also I tried setting up the voxox callback number through gvoice but the voxox number never rang. Moving to CHina and I could really use your expertise. Thank you.
i ve signed up to voxox n gotta num..
m from India
but still
google voice doesnt show the phone settings
it just shows a cuple of tabs : 1.billing, 2.account
n even google voice cannot verify my num
so m unable to proceed
plz help
plz plz help……
Hey i have sucesss in recieving But how can we call for freee
i luv this .its outstandng man it s really cool i luv this more thn anu thng
You shouldn’t use Sipgate in this video if they are out of numbers!
Is this work in Europe(Serbia and Montenegro)
Thank you gigafide.Your chanel is awesome!!!
does this work whith ipod touch to? and do you need a wifi connection to do this?
fine, but I don t understand how can google call back be free…
even if the secong leg of the call back is redirected for free ( though VOI by Sipgate back to your phone,) would Google call you back for free from any location abroad ???
my guess is it is like Skype : yo need to pay Google somehow. It might be cents only, but it is not free !
your tech replies appreciated,
best regards,
Wow I must confess you make some very tencrahnt points.
Hey good tut! Just one question would you mind showing us exactly how to do it with voxox and ipkall since alot of us were unable to get a number with sipgate?
Thanks bro for giving back to the community I ll try to do it myself when I get the Iphone. Great idea thanks a lot.
hello as sipgate.com has stopped registration, i’v tried voxox but it’s not working, is there any other sollution please?
Is this work in Indonesia (Bali Denpasar)
Thank you. Your Chanel is very nice!!!
Hello frnds.. m aditya, i think it is not working hope we will share another good tricks with each other if we have kind of group to share tricks…if any one intrested in it contect me on adigoti@yahoo.com
That is most interesting. But it is really involved.
how can i do free calls and free browsing with nokia phones
how to use with ipkall??
My phone was cut off by my cellphone company and i did this using voxox and i was able to make my phone work again except i believe i half to stay in a wifi range which aint very good i cant stay in my house forever
Pleas i cant get sipgate account
I want replace
Pleas what should i do !!??
Pleas some help *_*
i setup all your settings but can’t able to call even i have green signal of sipdroid and just flushed by finding voice setting inn gear :/ tell me how do i configure i am ready to send my credential to u
pls rply
i’m from india