Proxies are great for surfing the web anonymously. This video will show you how to set up them up and use them.
Proxify – http://proxify.com
HideMyAss – http://hidemyass.com
WhatIsMyIPAdress – http://whatismyipaddress.com
Foxy Proxy – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxyproxy-standard
Proxy Switchy – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/caehdcpeofiiigpdhbabniblemipncjj
Tor Project – https://www.torproject.org
IP Hider – http://www.allanonymity.com/ip-hider-hide-ip-software
Tutorial on using IP Hider –
Thanks buddy, really good stuff..
Nice… Great Work
thank you very much i look this as great help . thanks:)))))
nice .
I can understand..
this site is awesome now can u help me hog all internet traffic in public places will just love that
Download Ultra Surf (my favorite free proxy)!!!
u r web site is very useful, great work keep it up
try this for anonymous surfing
You’re the best!
nice,i like it…
if we want to watch internet tv in windows media center outside us, how can we do that? internet tv got downloaded in my pc, bt when i try to play videos, it says this service is not available in ur country… hELP me…
and is there any way to use anonymous proxy in smart phones???
so one question if i am under a proxie and go to say the pirate bay
and download something is there a chance of getting caught
because be brother was on a proxie downloaded a movie and we got a email
from are internet suppler saying to stop downloading illegal things and named the movie
and said to delete it is this because of a mix up
also do you haft to go on a proxie every time you start up your web browser or just once?
please reply to lordexies@gmail.com
thnx nice!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome video thank you so much! I was wondering if you could make a video on how to use proxies to get around things such as WebSense… They have this program at my work and it keeps me from going to facebook and youtube and netflix or any other audio/video streaming web site. Please Help Me…?
please help here
i m using wifi connection in a college than how can i access the website by hiding my url and ipfrom the spysoftware who r watching the url used by student…………………and block the ip when they got any searching content like hacking etc
i intrested in heaking
my mobile number is-9879237603
Is anyone else having trouble viewing the video?
I can’t view the video…can you please fix it or provide a link to Youtube?
YouTube version still plays as of 11/20/2011
Hi im based in Dubai and we have a fire wall that blocks all sites with words such as the site you have mentioned below cos it has the words ass in it, and with many words such as mature sex, ass , war, galleries and so on. Help me bypass these please. Im not a cpmu geek so i need a real simple guide details, thaks
Proxify – http://proxify.com (Blocked)
HideMyAss – http://hidemyass.com (Blocked)
you can use website http://www.armyproxy.com to surf anonumously
how to hack university server…:??
how to hacking university server?
I taught everyone in my school about proxies to pass the school firewall.
After that, I went straight to the computer man at our school, and gave him all of the same websites, and he blocked all of them.
But my laptop creates its own WiFi tunnel, so I’m still able to get through.
Yup, proxies are nice to have since the US gov is starting to take a BIG BROTHER “I say what you can or cannot do approach for the US members”Very Nice! Thank you
yes. it is nice to use to use while online. but it is not safe when you hack. it does not hide your ip address.