This weeks freeware application is called “Syncback” by It’s a Windows utility that you can use to back up your files or to synchronize them from one location to another. It’s very intuitive and has a lot of great customizable features. Download it here.
Backup Your Stuff For Free
// davisde // Safety & Security, Video Tags: backup, data, drive, hard, safety, security, tutorial, windows 1 Response
How To Unlock Programs
// davisde // Software Tips, Video Tags: diy, freeware, programs, tutorial, unlock 1 Response
This will be the first of a new series. This series will just be short videos exploring cool freeware that can be very useful. So the first freeware program to make the list is called “Unlocker“. If you’ve ever gotten a “Cannot move or delete folder: Access is Denied” error when trying to move or delete a file, this program will allow you to see what process is using it so that you can unlock it from any processes and delete it.
How To Restore Deleted Files
// davisde // Safety & Security, Video Tags: data, files, lost, restore, windows 5 Responses
This video tutorial shows you ways of restoring files four different ways. I do not claim this video to be the ultimate way to restore files. These are just suggestions. If you know of better methods, please leave a comment with the suggested method. Listed below are the programs needed.
- Restoration, CD Toolbox, PhotoRec, BartsPE (or Ubuntu)
Make your own music controlled lights
// davisde // DIY Projects, Video Tags: christmas, lights, make, mp3, music, yourself 6 Responses
How To Make A Free Blog
// davisde // Programming Tips, Web Tips Tags: blog, diy, how, instructional, make, technology, to, wordpress 5 Responses
Make your own blog that is 100% customizable and that is completely ad free using free resources. We will be using a free account from, free blogging software called WordPress, and a free FTP client called Filezilla.
Free Inbound Calls
// davisde // Hacks, Video Tags: cell, free, gizmo, hack, instructional, phone, programs, tutorial 2 Responses
Receive free calls from anyone using GrandCentral and Gizmo. Gizmo is a free VOIP (Voice Over IP) computer phone program. GrandCentral allows you to create a phone number in any area code and you can set it so that when people call that number, it will forward the call to any number of phones, including your Gizmo phone.
Make A Bootable Flash Drive
// davisde // DIY Projects, Linux Tips, Video Tags: computer, diy, flash, instructional, linux, tech, ubuntu 7 Responses
This tutorial shows you how you can make a bootable flash drive using the Ubuntu linux ISO. All you need is a flash drive that is 1 gigabyte in size or
VLC Tutorial
// davisde // Multimedia Tips, Software Tips Tags: instructional, mp3, music, network, player, share, stream, tutorial, Video, vlc 1 Response
This shows you cool things you can do with VLC Player, a multi-platform video player. You can do things like rip and encode DVD’s, play videos as ASCII art, and even stream music and video over the
Run Linux Inside Windows
// davisde // Linux Tips, Video Tags: diy, how, instructional, linux, to, tutorial, virtual, vmware, windows 3 Responses
This will show you how you can load and run Ubuntu Linux on Windows without even having to restart your computer. The links used in this tutorial are listed here: – (172.9 MB) – (697.9MB) – (23.2KB) -
Make A Digital Picture Frame
// davisde // DIY Projects, Hacks, Video Tags: craft, hack, instructional, photos, pictures, technology, tutorial 2 Responses
This video will show you how you can make your own digital picture frame using a Mattel Juicebox (and MP3 kit) and a shadowbox that you can get at any craft store. All of the materials cost less than $30.