Greasemonkey is a scripting tool that allows for cool add-ons to enhance your web experience. Once such Greasemonkey script is the Modified Gmail Macro that allows you to add cool shortcuts to your Gmail.
Gmail Tip: Greasemonkey
// davisde // Video, Web Tips Tags: email, gmail, google, script, tip 21 Responses
Free Stock Photography
// davisde // Multimedia Tips, Web Tips Tags: art, free, photography, photos, picture 8 Responses is a website that allows you to download their stock photography and use them in projects and websites without any royalty charges.
Transform Photos with
// davisde // Cool Websites, Video Tags: multimedia, photos, pictures, Video 2 Responses
This tip involves the beta website This website allows you to upload your own pictures and music and it will automatically create a professionally designed video with them. A 30 second video is free to create. If you would like full length videos, they ask you to pay for them.
How To Create A Podcast
// davisde // DIY Projects, Video Tags: audacity, create, diy, how, ipod, itunes, podcast, tinkernut, to, tutorial 4 Responses
This video will show you how to create a podcast and distribute it. We will use Audacity to edit the podcast and then use either Podango, Podpress or MyPodcast to upload it and create a feed. Then we will distribute the podcast by submitting to Podcast search engines found at Podcast411.
Vista Tip #3 – Disable the Vista UAC
// davisde // Software Tips, Video Tags: computers, diy, how, os, tinkernut, tip, to, tweak, vista, windows 1 Response
This video will show you how to disable Windows Vista’s User Account Control, or UAC. The UAC is that box that constantly pops up saying “Windows Needs Your Permission To Run, Do You want to Continue?”. Be advised that Microsoft does not advise this, because it may allow some programs to run without your permission. If you are OK with this, then feel free to follow these steps to get rid of the annoyance.
Vista Tip – Increase Speed By Disabling Visual Styles
// davisde // Software Tips, Video Tags: computers, diy, how, os, tinkernut, tip, to, tweak, vista, windows 3 Responses
Speed up Windows Vista by disabling the Visual Styles (eye candy) and the sidebar to free up memory.
Gmail Tip: Labels and Filters
// davisde // Video, Web Tips Tags: computer, diy, email, gmail, google, how, internet, tip, to 1 Response
Organize your E-mail inbox by labeling e-mail by filtering out e-mail with common subjects, e-mail address or content and them categorize them with color-coded labels.
Vista Tip: Remove Warning Balloons
// davisde // Software Tips, Video Tags: computers, diy, how, os, tip, to, tweak, vista, windows 1 Response
This vista tip will show you how you can disable those annoying pop-up notification balloons that appear at the bottom right of your screen. As a bonus, we will also disable the start menu notifications as well.
How To Make Computer Animations
// davisde // DIY Projects, Video Tags: animate, animations, computer, diy, how, tinkernut, to, tutorial 2 Responses
This program covers how to create computer animations using Anim8or. Please keep in mind that this is not a tutorial on how to use Anim8or, but just on how to create computer animations. For tutorials on how to use Anim8or, please visit these sites: wheel tutorial, user’s manual.