Happy Holidays! I hope everyone has a safe and jovial season!
Photo Police Sniffs Out Photoshopped Images, Highlights How They Were Changed
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
Photo Police Sniffs Out Photoshopped Images, Highlights How They Were Changed
Mac: We've discussed how a keen eye can help you detect if an image has been photoshopped, but if you need an app to help you determine if that photo is a fake, Photo Police is a utility for the Mac t…
My Drunk Kitchen’s Christmas Special
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
My Drunk Kitchen's Christmas Special
My Drunk Kitchen's Christmas Special: One of the Internet's funniest drunk people, Hannah Hart, is building a gingerbread house in…
Partner Project 12: Domain Names
// davisde // Partner Project Tags: domain, live, names, partner, project 6 Responses
These are the highlights from my Live series “The Partner Project” which aired on Monday December 19th at 3:00pm. We discussed website domain names and the different options for attaining them. Free Domain Names
* http://www.freedomain.co.nr
* http://co.cc/
Free Top Level Domains
* http://www.ezyfree.com/free-domain-name.php
* http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en
Turn Any Gloves Into Touchscreen Gloves
// davisde // DIY Projects Tags: cell, device, holiday, phone, screen, smartphone, tablet, touch, touchscreen, wireless, work 17 Responses
Ever wanted to use your gloves with touchscreen devices like smartphones and tablets computers? This video will show you an easy way to convert any gloves into touchscreen gloves.
Where to get the parts:
Other Alternatives:
Facebook Timeline now available worldwide! Hide your shameful past before activating it.
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 8 Responses
Facebook Timeline now available worldwide! Hide your shameful past before activating it.
TechCrunch | It’s Here! Facebook Timeline Now Available To Users Worldwide
You've been anxiously waiting for it, and now it has finally arrived. Facebook Timeline, which MG likened to 'the story of your life on a single page' when it was first announced back in September at …
Teens triple Data usage in the US. I bet it’s all on Facebook.
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
Teens triple Data usage in the US. I bet it's all on Facebook.
TechCrunch | U.S. Teens Triple Data Usage
Nielsen is reporting today that teens have more than tripled mobile data consumption and also continue to hold top spot as the most engaged mobile messaging segment.
The report states that “In the …
Do any of these new hangout features make you want to use hangouts more?
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
Do any of these new hangout features make you want to use hangouts more?
En garde! Google strikes at Facebook with new hangouts features
Quick, name one thing that Google+ does better than Facebook? The answer is Google+ hangouts, a Skype-like group video chat (and broadcast) feature. Wednesday, the search giant released a number of……
Sonic now available on mobile devices!
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
Sonic now available on mobile devices!
Sonic CD blasts onto console and mobile today
Sega of America has announced that Sonic CD is now available across a multitude of platforms today. Originally released in 1993 for the Sega CD, this version of Sonic CD comes boasting both the J…
I can remember wanting every single one of these:
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
I can remember wanting every single one of these:
A '90s Kid's Christmas List: I'm pretty sure any kid would want this Christmas list under their tree. I mean hellooooo…