Now this is how a nerd decorates for Christmas
Geeks are Sexy Technology News. tech, science, news and social issues for geeks. Main menu. Skip to content. Home; Tech Videos; Articles; Cosplay; Store; About us; Contact us. Facebook icon; Twitter i…
Now this is how a nerd decorates for Christmas
Geeks are Sexy Technology News. tech, science, news and social issues for geeks. Main menu. Skip to content. Home; Tech Videos; Articles; Cosplay; Store; About us; Contact us. Facebook icon; Twitter i…
FreddieW doing Battlefield 4 is your totally awesome video of the day
A Live-Action Battlefield 4, Through the Eyes of YouTube's FreddieW
After teaming up with EA to produce a Battlefield 3 commercial, Internet sensation Freddie Wong—best known for geeky, homemade film shorts that riff on Splinter Cell, Halo and Portal—stayed on set to …
The Hobbit Trailer is out and it gives me goose bumps!
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey [First Official Trailer]
Yep, this is it, geeks: The first official trailer for Peter Jackson's retelling of The Hobbit is here, and it looks AWESOME. Enjoy!
If you don't have anti-virus on your Android yet, you could be part of this statistic
Android Users Lose 1 Million To Malware In 2011 [News]
Have you ever wondered how severely malware impacts Android users? Lookout Mobile Security has an answer – one million dollars. According to Lookout, these ill-gotten gains generally come from malicio…
Play the Minicraft game that NOTCH created in 48 hours
Ludum Dare » Blog Archive » Minicraft!
Home | Rules and Guide | Sign In/Create Account | Write a Post | Donate | #ludumdare on (Info). Ludum Dare 23 — April 2012 — 10 Year Anniversary! Ludum Dare 22 :: December 16th-19th, …
List of all the companies supporting SOPA
All the Companies Supporting SOPA, the Awful Internet Censorship Law—and How to Contact Them
Who's officially on the record backing what could be the worst thing to ever happen to the internet? All of these companies listed below. Don't take our word for it—this list comes straight from Congr…
40 companies that are publicly AGAINST Sopa
TechCrunch | Over 40 Internet Companies Come Out Publicly Against SOPA (Including Us)
Since the list of 120 or so SOPA supporting companies hit the Internet yesterday, the lines have been drawn; People are publicly promising to pull thousands of domains from domain registrar Godaddy af…
Don't want SOPA and PIPA to pass? Sign the official petition to veto it.
We the People: Your Voice in Our Government is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House …
How To Break Out Of A Car's Trunk
Let's face it: sooner or later, you're going to get abducted. It's a down economy, there's lots of increasingly desperate unemployed folks, and it's a more dignified way to meet new people than, say, …
I really wish my phone would get Ice Cream sandwich. Even if it's Cyanogen Mod.
Remains of the Day: Android 4.0 Landing on Legacy Phones
Nexus S phones get updated with Android Ice Cream Sandwich, Sprint kills Carrier IQ on its phones, and you can use Siri to get Best Buy product information.
Nexus S Phones Getting Ice Cream Sandwich U…