Wow, I've never appreciated table tennis as much as I do now.
Wow, I’ve never appreciated table tennis as much as I do now.
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
Turn anything into a touch screen with this new microphone
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 1 Response
Turn anything into a touch screen with this new microphone
Turn Any Surface Into a Touch-Sensitive Instrument With a $20 Microphone
My desk is boring. My walls are boring. My windows are boring. I need to liven them up by turning them into musical instruments that detect and recognise my touch.
Great SOPA article: “SOPA is for lazy companies and campaing donations – not piracy prevention”
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 1 Response
Great SOPA article: "SOPA is for lazy companies and campaing donations – not piracy prevention"
SOPA is for lazy companies and campaign donations — not piracy prevention
Personally, my political positioning is less about a single litmus test and more about the ideal that personal freedom is of utmost importance. It should only be trumped in the most serious of situ……
6 amazing inventions from teenagers. What have you done with your teens?
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 2 Responses
6 amazing inventions from teenagers. What have you done with your teens?
6 Teenage Inventors That Changed The World
Give a kid a car and he's probably going to see how high he can ramp it off something. But that sholdn't negate the fact that some very ambitious teens have changed the world.
And now it’s time for “Love Notes To Ninja Turtles”…
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
And now it's time for "Love Notes To Ninja Turtles"…
Geeks are Sexy Technology News. tech, science, news and social issues for geeks. Main menu. Skip to content. Home; Tech Videos; Articles; Cosplay; Store; About us; Contact us. Facebook icon; Twitter i…
Word of advice. NEVER use for apps.
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 4 Responses
Word of advice. NEVER use for apps. They just flagged MY app featuring only MY Youtube channel for content violation. WTF?
I don’t know what this Russian beer dance is, but I’m totally digging it!
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 1 Response
I don't know what this Russian beer dance is, but I'm totally digging it!
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 2 Responses
Never have to inflate a tire again!
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates No Responses
Never have to inflate a tire again!
Bridgestone: Air-Free Tire Concept – Hacked Gadgets – DIY Tech Blog
Many articles about hacking gadgets. Examples of extreme technology. DIY projects describing how to build electronic projects. Fun top 5 and top 10 lists.
Unofficial Steam Client for Android. Total w00tage
// davisde // Microblog Tags: blog, news, technology, updates 1 Response
Unofficial Steam Client for Android. Total w00tage
Steam For Android: Unofficial Steam Mobile Client With An ICS-Like UI
If you’re an avid gamer, then you must surely be familiar with the popular online gaming discussion and distribution platform, Steam. Using the services of …